Rely Health Incidental Findings Navigation Program Overview


Rely Health offers a comprehensive Post-Discharge Patient Care Navigation program for incidental radiology findings. Each patient with identified incidental findings will be assigned a dedicated Patient Case Manager who will support them throughout their entire lung health journey. This ongoing relationship, managed on behalf of the health system, ensures timely scheduling, follow-up and patient success, fostering improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Problem Addressed

One out of every three patients going through your Emergency Department receive Chest X-Rays. 5% of them present incidental radiology findings that often go unaddressed.

  1. Patient Safety and Health Risks: Incidental findings might indicate early signs of serious conditions such as lung cancer, infections, or other diseases. If these findings are not addressed promptly, they can lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment, potentially worsening the patient's condition and prognosis.
  2. Legal and Liability Concerns: Failure to follow up on incidental findings can expose the healthcare facility and providers to legal risks. Patients or their families might file lawsuits for negligence if a serious condition is discovered later that could have been treated earlier.
  3. Increased Healthcare Costs: Unaddressed incidental findings can lead to higher healthcare costs in the long run. Treating advanced stages of a disease is generally more expensive than early intervention. Additionally, complications arising from untreated conditions can result in more frequent hospital visits and longer stays.
  4. Impact on Quality Metrics: Many healthcare facilities are evaluated based on their quality of care and patient outcomes. Unaddressed incidental findings can negatively impact these metrics, affecting the hospital's reputation and potential reimbursement rates, particularly under value-based care models like Pay-for-Performance (P4P).
  5. Patient Trust and Satisfaction: Patients expect comprehensive and attentive care. If they learn that incidental findings were overlooked, it can erode their trust in the healthcare system and reduce overall patient satisfaction. This can lead to lower patient retention and negative word-of-mouth.
  6. Retention and Acquisition of Patients: Addressing incidental findings effectively can help retain and acquire patients, creating new net revenue and fostering long-term relationships with the health system. Patients who receive thorough and attentive care are more likely to return for future medical needs and recommend the facility to others, contributing to the hospital's growth and stability.

Process Flow

  1. Identification: Once an incidental finding is identified a dedicated Patient Case Manager is assigned to the patient. This navigator works in conjunction with the existing health system case management team to inform the patient about the finding, explain its significance, and outline necessary next steps for further evaluation and treatment.
  2. Assessment & Stabilization: The Patient Case Manager completes a quick assessment and time capture. They begin scheduling appointments for the patient with their Primary Care Physician (PCP) and other relevant healthcare team members to ensure timely follow-up and stabilization.
  3. Placement Selection: The navigator collaborates with care teams, patients, and their families to select the appropriate placements in the right post-acute setting based on the patient's needs. The technology platform provides access to an up-to-date database of local and preferred resources to facilitate this selection.
  4. Communication / Coordination: The navigator ensures seamless communication between the hospital and various providers through phone-based outreach. This step is crucial for coordinating care and keeping all parties informed about the patient's status and upcoming appointments.
  5. Transfer Arrangement: The Patient Case Manager arranges all logistics for the patient's transfer, including transportation and necessary documentation. This ensures the patient reaches their next care setting smoothly and without delays.
  6. Handoff & Continuity Till End of Episode: A detailed handoff to follow-up groups is conducted, including complete patient history, medication lists, and any other relevant materials needed for the transition. This ensures continuity of care and that the new care team is fully informed about the patient's condition and treatment plan.

Rely Health’s Program Benefits

  • Turn-Key Service: No overhead performance management and/or technology lift
  • Dashboards & Analytics: Monthly charts to leadership demonstrating real-time health
  • AI-Driven Scale: We reach 10-15x more scale than a hired in-house resource with comprehensive follow-up and engagement for EVERY patient.


Rely Health offers a comprehensive Post-Discharge Patient Care Navigation program to address incidental radiology findings in health systems. Once IRF’s are identified, patients are assigned dedicated Case Managers who coordinate their follow-up care.

This includes informing patients, scheduling appointments, selecting appropriate post-acute placements, and ensuring seamless communication between healthcare providers. The program leverages a Patient Relationship Manager CRM tool to streamline actions and maintain thorough documentation. Additionally, a Virtual Navigation Back Office team ensures continuous patient engagement through regular check-ins, addressing transportation, medication reconciliation, and follow-up care. 

This includes informing patients, scheduling appointments, selecting appropriate post-acute placements, and ensuring seamless communication between healthcare providers. The program leverages a Patient Relationship Manager CRM tool to streamline actions and maintain thorough documentation. Additionally, a Virtual Navigation Back Office team ensures continuous patient engagement through regular check-ins, addressing transportation, medication reconciliation, and follow-up care. 

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